Port Townsend Today

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Mmmm… Chai Apple Butter ๐Ÿ˜‹

If you think it’s good on toast, wait until you try it on a sandwich. โ€‹

Regular apple butter is delicious but adding a combination of chai tea and sugar gives this version an incredible depth of flavor. โ€‹


3 Tbsp Emperorโ€™s Chai black teaโ€‹
17 oz water at 200ยฐFโ€‹
2ยฝ lbs apples, washed, peeled, cored, cut into 1-inch chunksโ€‹
ยฝ oz Candied Ginger, choppedโ€‹
ยฝ cup Chai Sugarโ€‹
ยฝ cup packed light brown sugarโ€‹
1/3 cup apple cider vinegarโ€‹
pinch kosher salt

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