Port Townsend Today


What Is Port Townsend Today?

We are exploring a new, convenient way for tourists and Jefferson County residents to see real time updates from our local restaurants, all in one place. Rather than scouring through dozens of social media pages separately, PortTownsendToday.com lets you see posts integrated together on one convenient feed. 

Our goal is to become the best spot for local events and promotions as they happen. Achieving this will take time and a great deal of effort.  So be patient as we meticulously bring the pieces and participation together. Please enjoy what we have to share.  Hopefully, everytime you visit the site, you will always find another great place to eat and something new!  

We are currently organizing and collaborating with local restaurants in Port Townsend to get things just right. Eventually, we will expand the program to new categories and all towns in Jefferson County. If you are a local business and want to be a part of Port Townsend Today,  click here.


Business Development


Web Design & SEO




Social Media


Business Liaison

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